Fourteen students had the opportunity to hike Mount Timpanogos with UVU President Astrid Tuminez, on Saturday, Aug. 29.
“President Tuminez has wanted to hike Mount Timpanogos since she began her tenure here,” said Andrew Jensen, research assistant and the coordinator for the event. “She knows that her predecessor, President Holland, used to have a tradition of hiking Timpanogos with UVU students. Most of all, [she] set a goal to climb to the top of Mount Timpanogos. She wasn’t totally sure she could do it, but she wanted to try!”
Jensen said the event was organized last-minute and there were a variety of precautions they had to consider due to the pandemic, which made the coordination more difficult. Despite this, students who participated had a great experience.
“I have always loved hiking and was super excited to have this amazing experience,” said Megan Charchenko, a freshman at UVU. “The hike was so beautiful, and the chance to grow as a person was fantastic.”
Kelsey Bingham, a senior at UVU, said, “My favorite part of the hike was the feeling of serenity and awe that I felt at the top of Timp and the opportunity I had to interact with other UVU leaders.”

Each student’s experience was different, but they each learned a lesson.
“It was an amazing experience,” Jensen said. “I had never hiked Mt. Timpanogos, even after living here [Utah] for two years. It was pretty difficult, especially on the way up and it was so very long. But it was worth it for the amazing view at the top.”
“The hardest part for me was to keep going the whole time,” Charchenko said. “I learned that I could get through anything if I didn’t let my fears stop me and accepted help when it was offered.”
“I don’t handle heights very well but I really wanted to push myself and make it to the very top of Timp,” said Bingham. “At times I really wish I hadn’t done that, but the view and experience from the top was incredible. I learned that trying new things can be scary and intimidating at first, but the support and inspiration of others is what inspired me to keep going and achieve my goal.”

There are many things that can be learned from completing a difficult hike, especially when you hike with your leaders and fellow students.
“President Tuminez tries to interact with the student body as much as possible,” Jensen said. “She loves interacting with our student body, because they are the reason she came to UVU. She is passionate about the dual-mission, open admission policy of UVU that allows opportunity for everyone. I think the opportunities are wide to interact with President Tuminez.”
Jensen mentioned that there is a form you can fill out in order to communicate with President Tuminez. If you’re interested in getting to know UVU’s president better, feel free to fill out the “Tell the President Form.”
Photos by Gabriel Mayberry