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Students have the opportunity to receive assistance in various subject through peer tutoring. Shane Maryott/UVU Review

Services on campus are in place to offer assistance to students throughout their college years.

Students work hard each semester to reach their educational goals, but to make all that hard work a little easier, there are many programs in place that can help those objectives become more attainable.

The Math Lab is located in in LA 201. It caters to all levels of math, including statistics and calculus. One-on-one, group or even online tutoring is available and no appointment is necessary.

The Language Lab, located in LA 003g, is for students seeking extra assistance in mastering a foreign language.

The Writing Center, located in LI 208, covers proofing for all disciplines. It provides one-on-one tutoring and an online writing lab (OWL). Tutors can assist with everything from one-page papers to multiple-page research papers. Be sure to schedule an appointment ahead of time, as the center gets busy during the semester.

“I love the Writing Center,” said student Eleanor Reed. “I can bring my papers there and they show me how to organize better or make style corrections and things like that.”

For those who have a documentable disability, the Accessibility Services Department should be contacted. They can provide ASL interpreters, note-takers and other services for qualified students. To see a counselor in this department, an appointment is needed. Further information can be obtained by visiting their office in LC 312.

UVU provides many non-academic opportunities that can be a great help to traditional and non-traditional students.

Among other services, a visit to the Women’s Resource Center in LC 405k can provide academic support, scholarships, advocacy and referrals to campus services and outside agencies.

For students with children under 12 years old who are seeking childcare, the Wee Care Center is available from 6:45 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and until 5 p.m. on Friday. Registration for this service is required.

“Having baby-sitting so close and arranged ahead of time made my life so much easier last year,” said UVU student and mother Brook Evans.

There are many more services available to students here at UVU. For a more complete list, check the UVU website, ask your advisor or visit the Losee Center for Student Success in LC 405.