Suspicious package proves a dud

Just before 2:00 p.m., a “suspicious package” was spotted on the terrace level between the Student Center and Sparks Automotive Buildings.

It was a small cardboard package placed on top of a flower box.

Officers put caution tape around the area and waited for a specialist to arrive to determine the nature of the package.

According to a UVUPD officer, there was “information on it from a local company.” He also said, “We don’t have anything that makes us suspect there’s anything dangerous. We’re just being safe. This happens a couple of times a year.”

A mobile x-ray machine was brought in by a specialist to check the package. The officer x-rayed the box, but the machine registered nothing. He carefully cut the box open with a small knife, and found it to be completely empty.

It seems likely that a student simply forgot the box, or was perhaps littering.

Their job done, the officers removed the caution tape and allowed students to again pass by the area freely.

According to Chris Taylor, University Spokesperson, the operation was done according to protocol.

“A suspicious box was reported to UVUPD. It was suspicious, out of place, and out of the ordinary. It was one of those situations where we wanted to err on the side of caution. Yes, it wasn’t eventful, but that’s a good thing.”

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