Jeanette Blain | News Editor | jblain.uvu@gmail.com
Eight principals from high schools around Taiwan visited UVU Aug. 11–12 to take a tour of the campus.
The principals visited all the departments on the main campus and the School of Aviation.
According to Principal Yung-Yen Chen, the objective was to gather information about UVU so they can return to China with first-hand knowledge to pass on to their school staff and students.
Chen said the first thing they will do upon returning to the high school in China is present the information to school staff.
“The next step is to write up a proposal for the grant,” Chen said though interpreter Manjun Dodge.
The grant will help send students attend UVU once they graduate high school.
“We have five full time students coming to UVU this fall from one single (Taiwanese) school because of the support of the principal,” Dodge said.