The Clue board game was brought to life as students solve campus mystery

Utah Valley University students had the chance to play a real-life “Clue” game by solving mysteries throughout campus during the month of October, thanks to the Student Life and Wellness Center marketing team. 

Like the Clue board game, through the process of elimination, students discovered  who the culprit of a make-believe ‘robbery’ was, what they stole, and in what room the crime took place in this gym-wide game of Clue.

Students found 21 hidden cards scattered in the gym throughout October. When a card was found it was brought to the front desk of the SLWC gym to pick out a prize. Once any student had a guess to solve the mystery they could submit it at the front desk as well. If they guess correctly then they win a free massage gun.

“Your goal was to find out who stole it, what did they steal, and from where,” said Lexie Smith, the SLWC marketing specialist. “All of the suspects, places in the gym, and the items were all gym related.”

“We had about 48 entry guesses… and I believe 12 people guessed it correct,” Smith said. “But [a student named Jamis] was the first.” Because she was the first to guess the suspect, place, and item correctly she was the only one to win the massage gun.

Smith said “[I] was looking through previous events that the gym had done before I had taken over the marketing position and they had done [a clue mystery event] quite a few years ago… none of the employees that are there now had done it so I thought it’d be fun to do it again.”

“The Clue mystery event was very much a success! We had lots of student participation as well as interest from faculty and staff. It will definitely be an event that we keep in mind again for the future!” Smith said

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