The Prelaw club at has a new name and a bright future

Christine M. Durham accepts honor presented to her by the Prelaw club. Skippy Jessop/ UVU Review
Christine M. Durham accepts honor presented to her by the Prelaw club. Skippy Jessop/ UVU Review

Feb. 25, the previously UVU Prelaw club changed its name to the Christine M. Durham Prelaw Club in honor of Utah Supreme Court Chief Justice Christine Durham.

Durham was the first female chief justice to swear into office a female governor, Olene Walker, in 2003. Durham, who has been on the Utah Supreme Court since 1982, has taught law classes at the University of Utah, Duke University and Brigham young University.

Durham came to UVU to accept the honor and to speak on what students could expect and how to conduct themselves as potential future lawyers.

“Your obligation as undergraduates is to immerse yourselves in academic work and to pay attention to the kind of personal values you’re developing and living in your lives, because that’s the best preparation for law school,” said Durham. Learning how to think, analyze and learning how to be self-reflective are also skills she said students need to develop if they hope to succeed in life, as well as law school.

“Given that most of what people know about law they get from watching TV, it’s important to have someone as a role model for students whose life is spent immersed in real law and a person who goes around the country teaching lawyers and judges while setting the standard high” said club advisor Eileen Doyle Crane.

“It’s huge to be able to get her to come here” said club president Chris Barton. “When you think of all that she’s accomplished, the places she’s taught at and the influence she has, it’s exciting to have her associated with our program.”

The club’s focus is to prepare students for acceptance to, and success in, law school. Club events include Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) preparation, networking with other students and biannual service projects.

On March 16, in SC 206, the club will be hosting a Dean’s Night where students are brought together with deans from numerous law schools from around the country. The event that evening goes from 6-9 p.m. with mock law school admissions, information on special programs students can access and a class on networking. People are encouraged to dress professionally and bring a resume. For more information about the event or the club send an email to

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