The price of your own pad

Housing invokes a host of words: exciting, frustrating, liberating and in Utah Valley, restrictive.
For many, even after college, student housing is the most affordable solution available. But student housing in Utah Valley is inseparably connected with unique stipulations. Many housing options boast “BYU-approval,” and those options require people to abide by the honor code –a set of BYU rules –whether or not they attend the university or, more bothersome, share the same conservative standards.
But why not look for housing options that are not BYU approved? BYU-approved housing offers a variety of amenities and are also cleaner and of better quality, in part because BYU imposes its rules in order to get approval. The Branbury, Crestwood, Riviera and Raintree Commons offer residents additional amenities such as a pool, hot tubs, free tanning, cable TV and Internet in addition to a long list of free activities.
In exchange these complexes require people to “avoid extreme hair color and styles,” men cannot wear earrings, neither men nor women can have body piercings of any kind, bikinis are forbidden at the pool and “everyone [must] abstain from possessing tea and coffee at all times.”
For those who do not adhere to BYU standards, and even for some that do, the restrictions are patronizing. Property owners are insinuating that people who have body piercings are a negative influence and have low moral standards. It’s also a bit ridiculous to compare coffee and tea to alcohol and drugs.
Bottom line, the largest expense of BYU-approved housing may not be monetary. For some, the lifestyle is simply a steeper price than they are willing to pay. Affordable, safe housing should be available to every young person, but rules require that some settle for less.

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Wolverine Crossing
13 years ago

Wolverine Crossing is a UVU Student Housing complex located just across the freeway from UVU and does not follow the “BYU Honor Code”. We offer private and shared rooms at a very affordable rate, but we offer you more amenities than any other student housing complex in Utah County! We have free tanning for all residents, 2 resort-style swimming pools and jacuzzis, basketball and sand volleyball courts, study and social lounges, and a 24-hour all-inclusive fitness center. Now, you can get the great amenities every student wants, the college experience you deserve, and the lifestyle you choose to live! We don’t allow alcohol or tobacco due to the fact that we lease to minors as well. Wolverine Crossing. Student Living. Redefined. Call 801-431-0000 for more information!

Stella Jamison
Stella Jamison
13 years ago

Student housing in the Valley is a little more diverse than you describe. I am not LDS and have never had a problem finding decent and affordable off-campus housing. I have lived in Non- LDS approved apartments, condos and homes to LDS approved apartments and homes to a horse ranch in Lehi in which I was the only non Mormon but always felt very respected with regard to my somewhat differing belief system.

Then there are the in between options such as LDS standard housing rather than LDS approved. Being non Mormon and having over ten years experience renting beginning when I was 17 years old (I have rented in Orem, Provo, Pleasant Grove, American Fork and Lehi)- I prefer LDS standard housing as those I have roomed with, in most cases, have allowed me complete autonomy…. they don’t tend to be LDS extremists.

I APPRECIATE the good standard and values and if I feel the need…

Stella Jamison
Stella Jamison
13 years ago
Reply to  Stella Jamison

It appears my response was a little long- here’s the last half…..I APPRECIATE the good standard and values and if I feel the need to venture out- I can always visit a friend or boyfriend….at least I know when I come home-it will be to less drama and a consistent standard of decent living with (in most cases) mature people. Of course I AM in my early thirties and have much less tolerance for the indiscretions of young people-all of the drama that goes along with being naive, inexperienced and self focused…..not to dis young adults- I appreciate their passion, energy and sense of adventure from afar-without youth-we’d be long stuck and sinking in old world beliefs…..HOWEVER…..when it comes to living environment- I am all for LDS standard living.

Heather Michelle
Heather Michelle
13 years ago

I too think it is rather unjust that there is no affordable student housing completely free from LDS standards. A person over the age of 21 should be allowed to have alcohol in the privacy of his or her home, provided the roommates are also over the age of 21. It is judgmental, intolerant, and self-righteous to assume that anyone drinking coffee or wine is a destructive person. It is just as judgmental to assume that all people following these standards are good and kind. Although I personally don’t support premarital physical intimacy, it should not be anyone’s business if an adult has a member of the opposite sex in their private bedroom. I do think that LDS standard rooms/apartments should be offered for those who desire it, but I also feel strongly that there should be some more lax student housing options made available. To be clear, I am not condoning illegal drug use, or und