This year was the eighth annual International Photo Contest and after the top twelve photos were chosen, three were selected to be the winners. With more than 350 photos from 39 participants from UVU faculty, staff and students, judges had a hard time picking the best photos.
Christina Ruth, a senior majoring in photography from Atlanta, Georgia, won first place for her entry titled “Capitol Line.” Brian Anderson, a senior majoring in digital media from Sandy, Utah, was in second place with his “Guard on Duty,” and Alicia Trujillo came in third place with her entry titled “Deviento.”
“We want to showcase the UVU community’s talent and their international travel experience through photographers,” said Marianna Henry, coordinator of International Study Programs at the UVU International Center.
The call for photo entries was in September 2011. UVU faculty, staff and students who had traveled overseas during the 2010-2011 academic year and had taken photos during their trip qualified to send entries in for the contest. There was a maximum of 10 photo entries allowed per participant.
The judges’ names remain anonymous, but the judging criteria differ from year to year. These professional photographers who judge the photos have expertise in the field and look for something different every year in the photos.
“To get a feel of what the judging criteria is like, look at previous photos that won the contest,” said International Center graphic designer Jason Gortegut. “The winning photos from previous years have similar styles but are different in artistic style.”
Second place winner Anderson was surprised his photo was chosen since he is not a photography student.
“I was shocked, totally shocked,” Anderson said when he heard he came in second place. “I am not a photographer, I only took photos for memories and because I was encouraged to by my professor, Robert Trim, when we visited Namibia this summer.”
Ruth, who came in first place, knew she was going to take lots of photos during her Art History Study Abroad Program to Italy this summer. Ruth feels lighting is everything.
“You always need to have an eye open, I look for that lighting, and when I saw it, I couldn’t help but capture the moment,” Ruth said.
The winners will receive gift cards to Allen’s Camera worth $125, $75 and $50, respectively. The winning photos will be displayed in the International Center and will also be featured in the International Center’s 2012 Calendar, which will be available this month for $3 at the International Photo Contest Reception. The reception will be held at the International Center on Monday, Nov. 14 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. to honor the winners and thank all those who participated.