We hope that The V will serve as an adhesive for the arts in Utah Valley, and that by serving as such, we will confirm to our audience the attractiveness of this community. By supporting and highlighting Utah Valley specifically, our desire is that The V will act as a catalyst to members of this community in supporting and becoming involved with the things that make it unique and interesting.
This hope of involvement extends beyond just attending events, but also getting to know the people within the community, and, perhaps most importantly, contributing to discussion about it both within and without The V. We believe that as people become involved in this way, they will care about the preservation and development of our community arts and other various forms of talent.
Further, as The V develops itself and its identity, we anticipate that it will become an appealing and reputable publication for which students will want to work, and community members will want to contribute.
Crucial to that identity, we feel that we must also parallel The V’s character development with independence from our mother publication, UVU Review. We recognize that the relationship was intended to act as a support for The V until it became capable of supporting itself, and we hope to become an independent publication from the Review.
While we hope to have ongoing discussion and support from the community and its members outside of UVU, we are passionate that the roots of The V remain firmly fixed in UVU soil. Maintaining UVU student editors, photographers, designers and other necessary staff will serve the campus by which The V was conceptualized and provide unique opportunity to those students.
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