The season for berets, beanies, caps, trilbies, boots, scarfs and hats has come. And it’s hard to keep up with fashion especially when the cold won’t permit, but guess what has taken over the fashion industry and making winter clothes more stylish? Fedora hats.
Fedoras dates back to the 19th century and it became part of female fashion and grew in popularity in the early 20th century. Back then it was worn mostly by detectives and gangsters in movies, including other movie characters like Indiana Jones. It later became a dead fashion, but a recent revival of fedoras is seen everywhere, especially among models on the runway of top designers and even around our campus.
With fedoras now in fashion and seen everywhere, it’s still tricky to find the one that looks stylish and fits this weather. Here are some tips on how to wear stylish fedoras that fit the weather.
- Wear a fedora with a suit and topcoat, but if you want to go for a causal look with jeans, look for one that fits. Always let the color of the hat go with the outfit.
- Always wear your correct size.
- Wear it to the right side. Tilting it a little bit forward adds style to your look.
- It should not cover the ears or feel too tight around your forehead.
- Create more style by adding leather and a pin, for example a brown fedora looks good with yellow leather and a gold pin.
- Fedoras made out of straw are good for daytime and those made out of twill are good to wear at night, but shop around to see the type that fits your style.
- Your hairstyle can be an issue. Change your hairstyle in such a way that it looks good with the hat or off.
Fedoras for women are slightly different from the men’s. One quick identifier of the difference is that women’s fedoras are known for the length of the crease down the crown and two indentations on both sides in front of the hat.
- Always consider the color of your skin when wearing a fedora, because the color of the hat can help your face glow or shadow your face, thereby overpowering your face.
- Wear your size. If it falls over your head, it is too big. If it makes your head itch, it is too small.
- The shape of your face matters. Ladies with oval or triangular faces, wear your fedora hats a little more forward or backwards. Ladies with round or square faces should consider wearing fedoras with taller crowns. Shorter crowns look more stylish on ladies with oblong faces.
- Wear the fedora slightly to the right or left, which ever you feel comfortable with; this adds style to your look.
- Consider changing your hairstyle to fit the hat so your hair looks good with or without the hat on.
- Add a ribbon of any color to a fedora hat you have. It gives an added edge to your style.
- For a daytime look, opt for a lighter colored fedora and for a nighttime look opt for a dark plain or patterned fedora.
- Fedora hats could be worn with almost anything, a dress, pants, jeans, shirts etc.
By Gloria Kajo
Photos by Gilbert Cisneros