Utah County construction update Feb. 3-9

UDOT I-15 CORE Project at 70 percent completion

According to UDOT, the I-15 CORE project has reached 70 percent completion. While the end may be in sight, drivers still have yet to endure the all-too-familiar construction. Hot spots this week include:


  • University Parkway at Sandhill Road
  • Orem Center Street
  • Provo 820 North and Center Street
  • Provo University Avenue
  • Spanish Fork Main Street and U.S. 6
  • Lehi Main Street


Although the traffic shift on University Parkway at Sandhill Road will remain for now, UVU Facilities Planning Director Jim Michaelis said UDOT crews will complete the underground pedestrian walkway by May 1, and wrap up the entire intersection by June 1. Click here for a video about the new Continuous Flow Intersection will work.


Traffic will be shifted from the south side of Center Street to the north side as it passes under I-15. To accommodate the shift, the road will be closed Saturday Feb. 11 at 10:00 p.m. until 11:30 a.m. the next day. Drivers should use 800 North or University Parkway as alternates.


Ongoing closure of 820 North in Provo will continue until Monday, Feb. 6, at 5:30 a.m. while crews finish the demolition of old parts of the bridge at I-15. Nightly closures will continue Feb. 6-10 from 10:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Locals will experience light noise and vibration throughout the process. Click here for alternate routes.


While Provo Center Street will remain open for the time being, be advised that nightly restrictions will begin as early as Feb. 16-19. Click here for a video about how the new interchange will work.

Traffic lanes will be shifted to the new, permanent ramp, causing a night closure of the northbound off-ramp at University Avenue Monday, Feb. 6, from 9:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.


Overhead sign installation on the northbound off-ramp at Spanish Fork Main Street and U.S.-6 will necessitate nightly closures Tuesday, Feb. 7 and Wednesday, Feb. 8, from 9:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. UDOT suggests using Benjamin or SR-77 in Springville as alternates.


Lehi Main Street will be closed nightly Monday, Feb. 6 and Tuesday, Feb. 7, to accommodate the installation of lights underneath the new bridgeworks. On- and off-ramps will remain open on both sides of I-15, but for east-west travel through the area drivers should use 850 East and Main Street to State Street.


For more information about these and other UDOT projects, visit udot.utah.gov or i15core.utah.gov.


By Jeff Jacobsen – Online Content Manager

Videos and images courtesy of UDOT

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