Construction hot spots to be aware of this weekend according to UDOT:
- University Parkway @ Sandhill Road
- State Street (SR 89) in Orem and University Avenue (SR 189) in Provo
- Geneva Road
- I-15 near Spanish Fork
- SR 14 east of Cedar City
A pedestrian underpass is being constructed underneath the intersection of University Parkway and Sandhill Road. East-to-west traffic has been shifted to the north side of University Parkway. All lanes are still functioning, except one of the left-hand turn lanes from westbound University Parkway to southbound Sandhill Road. This shift will stay in place for about six months, after which the traffic will be shifted to the south side of University Parkway for completion of the tunnel, with expected completion December 2012.
Concrete grinding on State Street and University Avenue began Oct. 2, with the purpose of smoothing the roadway for drivers on State Street from Center Street in Orem to 800 North in Provo, as well as on University Avenue from just north of University Parkway to 400 South in Provo. The resurfacing was recently completed, leaving only the lane striping, which will have a considerably reduced impact on traffic.

Underground work, including water, power, communications, sewer and storm drain work, as well as road widening and paving on Geneva road is more than halfway to the anticipated project completion date of May 2012. Although Kiewit Western Co., the project contractor, expects to open all five new lanes from 400 North to 1600 North in Orem by the end of the year, construction will remain heavy through winter. Once that stretch of road is complete, the work will be focused around the raised intersection of Geneva Road and 400 South, which will include an innovative wood and steel pile system and a 50,000 square foot retaining wall.

Beam placement for the new bridge connecting I-15 to U.S. 6 will cause ramp closures on I-15 at Spanish
Fork Main Street. The northbound off-ramp from I-15, as well as the ramps from Main Street onto I-15 and U.S. Highway 6, will be closed beginning at 9:00 p.m. Nov. 8-10. The closures were rescheduled from this weekend due to weather delays. Spanish Fork Main Street will also be closed under I-15 during the project.

A landslide east of Cedar City caused a closure on SR 14 until further notice.
Additional UDOT areas for concern:
- Lehi Main Street NB off-ramp closed
- American Fork Main Street ramps closed overnight
- Pleasant Grove Blvd SB off-ramp closed overnight