Utah Valley’s winter storm advisory and 4 tips to stay warm this weekend 

Utah Valley has been issued a Winter Storm Alert from 11:00 a.m. Friday, Jan. 12 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14. 

Though December was bleak and brown, our fickle state is determined to make it up this month as a winter storm blows in from the north. These arctic blasts, or polar vortexes as they can also be known, are caused by frigid air being pushed over the north pole and traveling south. As the cold front moves south, it can transition into large storm heads as it mixes with warmer air. Utah Valley residents and citizens of Salt Lake can expect up to 3-5 inches of snow each day between Friday and Sunday, and temperatures as low as 16° F. 

For students concerned about the incoming cold front, here are some tips to help keep you toasty and warm this weekend! 

Layer up  

Wearing a series of thinner layers actually does more to trap your body heat than one large layer. Tights or leggings layered under trousers and an undershirt beneath a top and sweater can do a lot to keep you warm. Wool and synthetic materials such as fleece work especially well to keep that heat in. 

Eat healthfully 

Students are frequently advised to pay attention to their diet, and this time of year is no exception. Meals that include vegetables and other helpful vitamins can boost your immune system to keep you healthy in colder weather, regardless of if they are fresh, canned or frozen.  

Check for drafts 

If you feel any particularly cold areas in your living space, you may have a draft. Poorly sealed windows and gaps beneath doors can let the cold in. Rolled up towels or extra blankets can help to block these chilly areas; even curtains and blinds can help to insulate the room. 

Winter gear 

If you are braving the cold, be sure to wear a hat. A 2008 study found that adults can lose up to 10% of their body heat through their head, so cover your cranium! Gloves, mittens, and scarves also do a lot to protect against the chill.  

These four tips are a great place to start to ensure comfort and safety throughout the winter, there are many other resources on campus to help students out; UVU’s C.A.R.E hub can help those struggling with food insecurity, housing insecurity, and covering other basic needs. You can visit their page at www.uvu.edu/studentcare/ to find resources or to offer your help as a volunteer.  

The early months of a new year can be a challenging time for mental health due to limited sunlight and cold weather. If you or someone you know is struggling at this time, Student Health Services can assist you in getting the help you need. 

Finally, for students who love the snow, UVU’s Outdoor Adventure Center offers rentals for snow gear such as skis, snowboards, and snowshoes. These rentals are available for single days or for a full week, and at great rates for students. Stop by today to see what options are available to make the most of the snow. 

Meg McKellar

Meg McKellar is the Senior Producer of the podcast branch at the UVU Review. She is currently studying in the Digital Audio program and loves spending her time listening to music and podcasts, watching movies, and hosting game nights with her friends.

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