Four programs receive ranking for combination of quality and cost
Carrie Laudie | Editor in Chief | @carrielaudie
For the second time this summer, UVU has been ranked as one of the most affordable schools in the U.S. In June, UVU was named in the top 100 most affordable online colleges by Great Value Colleges. also recently ranked four bachelor degree programs in the top 15.
Two programs were ranked in first place: networking/network administration and web design and development. The communication and economics programs were number six and number five respectively.
“We’re doing everything we can to keep tuition low,” said President Matthew S. Holland, in a tuition hearing earlier this year.
According to, their mission is to highlight schools in higher education, which do the best job of maximizing instructional quality while minimizing tuition costs.
“This ranking combines the academic quality and affordability of programs,” said Michael Savoie, dean of the College of Technology and Computing in a written statement. “We are proud to be recognized for offering high-quality, low-cost programs in some of the highest demand jobs in the country.”
These rankings were compiled using college data from the National Center for Education Statistics, a bureau of the U.S. Department of Education.