UVU releases second statement on lawsuit, new allegations

University spokesperson Scott Trotter has released a second statement regarding former Title IX Coordinator Melissa Frost’s lawsuit after another woman spoke about her experience.

According to Frost, she was preparing to “begin discrimination harassment investigations into allegations by three females against white males in upper management” when she was notified of UVU’s intent to terminate.

Emily Tooy made a public comment saying that she is “one of three women who was harassed and discriminated” against by a senior administrator. Tooy spoke to local media about the discrimination she witnessed while working at UVU.

However, She was not immediately available for comment.

Trotter said that Frost and Tooy are “disgruntled former staff employees airing their claims in the court of public opinion because it is the only place where they can play loose and fast with the facts.”

“I am saddened to be characterized that way,” Frost said. “I”m coming forward to protect the process and the people in this role.”

Frost continued to say that, in a lot of cases, the Title IX coordinator takes the fall for the shortcomings of administration.

Trotter said that both cases had been thoroughly and independently investigated by an impartial, outside attorney and that Frost and Tooy’s claims were “wholly unsubstantiated.”

He clarified that the investigator assigned to Tooy’s case was not the same person assigned to Frost’s.

Tooy’s recent comments to the press contradict the findings of the investigator, Trotter said.

Frost filed a lawsuit for wrongful termination against UVU May 8, which accuses the university of firing her for being a whistleblower. She was UVU’s Title IX coordinator from 2014-17.

She said she was fired after bringing school officials’ attention to the university’s noncompliance with state and federal discrimination/harassment laws.

UVU’s statement also addresses any concerns that faculty, students, staff and stakeholders might have about the current state of the Title IX office.

“It is vital for students, faculty, staff, and all of our stakeholders to understand that UVU’s Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmation Action, and Title IX Office is fully operational and functioning effectively,” Trotter said.

He says that under current Title IX Coordinator Laura Carlson’s leadership, the Title IX office supports employees and students and that the office works closely with entities on campus to provide a “safe and inclusive” experience.

McKhelyn Jones

Editor in Chief and life-long student

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