UVU Math Pass aids student learning

The developmental math department has developed Math Pass, an independent study program to help students who are struggling in math. Currently there are four options for the Math Pass program.

According to the website, when registering, students will receive
•    Personalized curriculum: Study what you need to learn to pass the COMPASS Exam
•    Free one-on-one tutoring
•    Access to online programs to work from home
•    1 credit or 2 credit options

1 credit option (MAT 090R I01), prepares students to place into MATH 1030, 1040, or 1050.

2 credits option (MAT 090R I02), prepares to challenge the final exam for MATH 1050 (for 2 credit hours, students cannot have attempted MATH 1050 previously).

For those students who failed math and need to take it again, there are now more options. They can register for a structured learning assistance course (available for MAT 0990, 1010, and MATH 1050).

According to the website, when registering, students will receive
•    3 hour mandatory workshop/week with course facilitator in addition to course lectures
•    Grade reports after each test
•    Study strategies, background information and practice

For those students who need math MATH 1100, 1210, or 2040, or who have prerequisites older than two years, a math refresher workshop is available. The workshop is Monday, August 13, through Thursday, August 16, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Students who register need to keep in mind that they must attend all sessions to receive credit.

For more information, contact Felicity Knight at (801) 863-6599 or by e-mail at knightfe@uvsc.edu

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