UVU’s new mobile website offers live shuttle tracking

schedule 2 min read

UVU joins the app world, allowing students more access to resources more than ever before. Conner Allen/UVU Review

UVU has a new mobile website and app that seek to make life easier for smart phone users on and off campus, including even a real time shuttle tracker.


The new website replaces the full version of uvu.edu with an easy to use menu optimization for smart phones. This new menu gives students and faculty options that range from emergency information to social media and much more. The UVU Mobile app for iPhone and Android offers the same features.


“We tried to keep the user in mind,” Phil Taylor from UVU Web Development Services said. “We tried to keep what was most useful to a mobile user.”

One of the key innovations in UVU Mobile is the real time location tracker of the shuttle buses on campus. This helps students catch the shuttles to get around campus and save time.


UVU wants to keep up with today’s technology trends. Web Development Services is seeking feedback on the mobile site to help improve or add things that students and employees want.


Taylor said that Web Development Services is currently in the planning stages for a mobile version of UVLink that will eventually complement UVU Mobile.


By John Carlsen
Science and Technology