Aerial View of Utah Valley University at Dusk

“We’ve always been here for our students”-Impacts of HB261 on UVU’s Community 

photo credit: UVU Marketing

Previous departments Multicultural Student Services, Women’s Success Center, LGBTQ Student Services, and the Native American Initiative were consolidated into the new Center for Intercultural Engagement. 

Utah Valley University has implemented several institutional changes in accordance with HB 261, “Equal Opportunity Initiatives” over the summer. Officially going into effect July 1, HB 261 mandated all state public institutions of higher education to eliminate “diversity equity, and inclusion” programs.  

Previous departments Multicultural Student Services, Women’s Success Center, LGBTQ Student Services, and the Native American Initiative were consolidated into the new Center for Intercultural Engagement. 

Many remaining faculty members are now navigating what programs and events they can put on for their students, while new and returning students do not experience the resources available for them previously.  

Previous leadership and scholarship opportunities that the Multicultural Student Services contained are now eliminated, including Multicultural Student Council and the Cultural Envoy Leadership programs. “What Intercultural Engagement does now does not service my students,” stated Leonne M. Saaga. Saaga, who is a Multicultural Student Services turned Intercultural Engagement faculty member, feels frustrated about the lack of resources she can give to her students.  

UVU’s interpretation and reasonings behind their decisions regarding HB261 are not disclosed to the public. The staff that run these programs were also given little say in how UVU’s institutional changes were made.  

During HB261’s presentation to the Utah Senate on Jan.11, 2024, Geoffrey Landward, Utah’s Commissioner of higher education, stated “It’s impossible to know the challenges [that] complying with this law will present until we start.” 

Despite these changes, UVU’s faculty remains committed to students’ success. International Student Services has its main offices in LC 312, LGBTQ Intercultural Engagement program (previously LGBTQ Student Services) is in WB 112, the Women’s Intercultural Engagement Program (previously Women’s Success Center) is in LC 303, and the Native American Excellence Program (previously Native American initiative) is in LA114. 

Trio’s Student Success Services, which provides opportunities and advising for first-generation and low-income students, is in LA114. Speaking for the staff of the Intercultural Engagement Program, also located in LA114, Saaga states “We’re still here, stop by, this is your home away from home.” 

McKay Jones

McKay is a sophomore at UVU studying Bioinformatics, Music, and Political Science. In his free time he enjoys hiking, camping, baking, and playing cello and piano.

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