“I plan to implement my platform into the school and have everyone take a pledge to live a drug-free life.” Chelsi Richards
“I want to spread my platform [preventing domestic violence] as far as I can.” Brielle Evans
“My platform is animal cruelty. I want to start at a county level then, then want to spread it statewide and do presentations in high schools and elementary schools and let people know about animal cruelty.” Tayler Bushman
“I want to start a pageant for special-needs girls here at UVU and create more opportunities for those with disabilities.” Whitney Talbert
“I plan to be an advocate of the American Diabetes Association and inform people about better nutrition.” Rebecca Batty
“ I plan on starting fundraisers for the autism society by selling my own suckers and sugar cookies shaped as puzzle pieces because that represents autism.” Brittany Shurtliff.
“I plan to educate the society and the community on bullying.” Shakelle Valdez
“I want to help special-needs students.” Meagan Sheppick
“I plan to visit the local high schools and elementary schools, and interact with the children that are struggling with school and give them confidence to continue their education.” Maykela Cox
“I plan to get my platform which is empowering young leaders, though music up there. As many band directors and everything,
as they can to spread the word to gather the resources to make a drum cord in the state of Utah which is a non-profit youth organiza- tion, so that way the kids of Utah can share the talents of the world. Without having to compromise their standards as they do in many drum cords that are existing today.” Anastashia Ellis
*Note: The UVU Review was unable to reach one contestant for com- ment at the time of publishing.