Where the 32,670+ wolverines live

Where does a Wolverine lay its head to sleep? Wherever he can find room, and it looks like the Wolverines will have a lot more options in the coming years as developers propose new housing ideas.


The student population at UVU increased from 28,765 to 32,670 in the short time of the 2009-2010 school year. According to higheredutah.org.


“The University’s current situation on student housing is undergoing evaluation.” Matt Chambers said.


Chambers is the program director for UVU’s off-campus housing and has acknowledged that the student population is still growing.


“It is a tricky situation because we are looking to expand [the student population] in the next 10 years,” Chambers said.


Developers are researching the area to find out the needs of the students to come to UVU with their proposals.


“There are no current plans to provide on-campus housing, which is housing owned and operated by the university, because it is very costly for the university,” Chambers said, “though they are looking to raise the standard for student housing, based on the voice of the students. This will be achieved through support from the university to the housing complexes. UVU housing will also be closer to campus, rather than in Provo.”


This first year is the year for evaluation, which includes branching out to surrounding areas, statewide and nationwide, to get ideas, according to Chambers.


One of those ideas is housing complexes that are almost mini-communities, including everything from beauty care to swimming pools. By summer, developers will start getting involved and making preparations to build.


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