Why Students Choose Utah/UVU

By Tiffany Thatcher

Assistant News Editor


Much like UVU itself, Utah is fast eradicating its “way out west in the sticks” reputation and exchanging it for one of a force to be reckoned with, especially on an educational scale. Out-of-state and out-of-country students make up 14 percent of UVU students and pay extra just to be in Utah. Why do these students choose Utah?


Christine Chipala is from a country in Africa called Malawi.


“I think a lot of students choose UVU because it is not hard to get into,” said Chipala. “It is affordable compared to other states, has nice places to go hiking, swimming, and skiing.”


With all of the outdoor options available to students, students seem to feel Utah has its benefits. Chipala, having been to a university in another state also enjoys UVU specifically.


“UVU also has many students and yet the teachers make sure they know you no matter how big the class, “ Chipala said. “Oh, and I love how UVU has blocks as an option every semester. I really love Utah and UVU.”


Utah also has a specific culture which some like, some dislike, and can take some time to get used to. UVU student Daniel Lafollette is an out-of-state student who is happy with going to school in Utah.


“I chose to study in Utah because it was good to come to a place with people of the same faith, who are striving to achieve the same goals as you,” Lafollette said. “I really enjoy president Holland’s enthusiasm, understanding and willingness to put students needs first.”


Preston Echols, like Lafollette is an out-of-state freshman from Washington.


Echols said, “I had Utah residency from my mission so tuition was cheaper then Washington. Also my older brother came here and said it was really great.”


With a student body hailing from all over the world, encompassing 6 continents and students from all over the country, UVU is no longer a community college; it is an internationally-renown university.

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