Even with the economy struggling through dark times, one business executive is offering words of encouragement.
Former CEO William Shiebler spoke to business students in another installment of the Halladay Executive Lecture Series, covering subjects ranging from the importance of luck to the current state of the economy.
Shiebler, who most recently served as CEO of the Americas of Deutsche Asset Management, an asset arm of the Deutsche Bank, has also worked as CEO for Putnam Mutual Funds and COO for Dean Witter’s Intercapital Division.
He began by commending students for contributing to the rise of UVU, stressed the importance of getting a good education and encouraged students to remain in school while telling of his own personal struggles with dyslexia.
“I want to congratulate each and every one of you in the room today. … The growth of this institution is astounding,” Shiebler said.
Speaking of the economy, Shiebler said he has no idea the direction the current economy will take, saying that the only thing he can guarantee is change.
“You’re going to live through booms, you going to live through busts. … That background is always going to be there, and it’s always going to be changing,” Shiebler said. “I was able to grow a career in a world of change.”
Shiebler said that everyone is affected by the recency bias, a psychological term that describes one’s tendency to place more importance on recent events over historical context, which can cause people to forget lessons learned from history.
“I think you have to be blind to not look at history,” Shiebler said, referring to his own personal strategies learned by studying the economic history of the world. “I think we have a better world because it has more truth in it.”
Shiebler spoke of how each individual is capable of shaping their own destiny, saying that no one should use the excuse of unluckiness because everyone has the capacity to create their own luck.
“I love to hear people talk about luck,” Shiebler said. “The reality is you have to be able to recognize it, take advantage of it and move forward”
Shiebler closed by telling students to take advantage of all the opportunities available to them, noting that there are many different jobs waiting to filled if one is willing to work hard towards one’s goals.