“Working 4 Utah” goes into effect

On Aug. 4, Utah state facilities began a four-day workweek. Utah’s governor, Jon Huntsman Jr., has been developing this plan for a while now, hoping to create a more economically efficient state system. The plan is known as “Working 4 Utah.”

State employees will be working Monday through Thursday. Their 10-hour days start at 7 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. By this measure, the eight hours they would normally work on Friday are now divided up amongst the four days.

The four points of “Working 4 Utah” are energy, environment, extended service and employees. Huntsman planned this new workweek in hopes of being able to lower fuel costs and save energy, among other things. The projected energy savings would be up to $123,200.

“As we go forward with this initiative, we will conserve energy, save money, improve our air quality, and enhance costumer service,” Gov. Huntsman said on Utah’s government Web site.

Before this plan went into effect, a survey was given to employees of the state. The survey indicated that the plan is generally approved of by those it is most directly affecting. The plan’s first official evaluation will occur in September of 2009, at which time it will be decided whether of not to continue with the initiative.

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