You want it, we got it
To say that your first year as a college student is overwhelming would be an understatement. Paying for tuition, books, even housing can be a squeeze on any student’s oh-so-small budget, not to mention food and a new laptop for school.
To say that your first year as a college student is overwhelming would be an understatement. Paying for tuition, books, even housing can be a squeeze on any student’s oh-so-small budget and that’s not even adding in the costs of food and computer equipment.
Lucky for you, whether you’re running low on food or are waiting on a scholarship to buy that new laptop, UVU can help in more ways than one.
UVU is one of many schools across the country now assisting students in need with the UV Food Pantry.
“It’s hard for people to ask for help,” said Natasha Carlton, UV Food Pantry Americorps volunteer. “I get that because a lot of students struggle. They work and go to school full-time and will pay their bills first, but food is the last thing they’ll buy.”
Any student that is taking at least six credit hours or more is eligible for assistance from the Food Pantry. At your first visit, bring your UVU ID to LC 205, sign a statement of need, and from there all you do is pick out your food.
If you’re still itching to buy that new computer before school starts, monthly laptop computer rentals are a wallet-friendly option provided by UV Computer Rentals. For a monthly fee of $30, students can enjoy the convenience of a laptop from the comfort of their own home.
Laptop rentals are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. The UV Computer Rentals office is located in the Sorensen Student Center in SC 116 or visit for a link to the rental service.
For those that want to reach their goals of good grades this semester, Tutoring and Academic Skills Services offers a wide variety of free tutoring services to students in multiple subjects.
“We pretty much cover everything,” said Susan Nielsen, assistant coordinator of Academic Tutoring. “We have a physics lab, chemistry tutors and biology tutors. There’s an engineering lab and an accounting lab. We do have tutors for history as well.”
Free individual drop-in and group tutoring is available in LA 201, as well as online tutoring for off-campus students.
“It’s very helpful to study with a peer, somebody that has already taken the class, but more so someone that you can talk to,” Nielsen said. “If you can explain the work to someone else, then you’re going to do well on the test.”
The school also offers both a math and writing lab for students in all courses and levels. No appointment is needed for help with math homework in the math lab, located in LA 201.
Appointments are recommended however for tutoring in the writing lab, located in the library in LI 208. The writing center allows students to walk-in for help on papers from any subject, but you may end up waiting for more than half an hour without an appointment.