Wellness for Wolverines – How UVU cares for your Wellness

schedule 23 min read

On this episode, Natalie sits down with UVU’s student body president, Mimi Pepper, to discuss how the student body is representing and fighting for students and their wellbeing.


Natalie: [00:00:00] What’s up, Wolverines, and welcome back to Wellness For You. Today I have a very special guest with us. This is our student body president. 

Mimi: Hi! 

Natalie: Go ahead and tell us about yourself, like, why you chose to become student body president. 

Mimi: Yeah, so, well, thanks for having me. Appreciate it. This is fun. This is great.

 I’m Mimi Barney, the student body president for this year over UVUSA. Just a little bit about me. I’m a graphic design major. I just finished up out of the program last year. I should say last semester. And I’m just getting my minor in marketing to finish up. So it’s been really fun. On a more personal note, I like to run, I like to read, really like to spend time with my friends, with my family. I feel like I’m kind of a homebody, but I also like to just be out and be doing things, so.

As far as student body president goes, this is definitely something that I never, never saw myself doing. Which is crazy now that I’m in this [00:01:00] position. When I first started here at UVU, I actually couldn’t even, like, I didn’t even know how to drive on the freeway. I was so terrified of everything and I was terrified to, I mean, I graduated high school during COVID.

And so the thought of, like, moving away from home and, like, being away, I’m literally from Draper, I should add, so I’m not even from very far, but the thought of, like, driving 30 minutes south to, like, be away was, like, a terrifying thought for me, and I seriously was, like, I don’t even, like, I hate being on the freeway, I don’t know how to drive on the freeway, like, I have come so far, and it’s been so great, but I started here as an ambassador, and I feel like from there, I just realized how much I loved UVU, and And how much I appreciated how much it was giving to me and so I kind of made it a goal I was like my senior year I just wanted to try to give back to the university as much as I feel like it’s given me because I feel like UVU really gave me a fair shot.

You know, so It’s kind of how I kind of how I ended up in this in this spot in this position 

Natalie: And how have you [00:02:00] been enjoying it? It’s been 

Mimi: it’s been great. Yeah, it’s been so fun. It’s been So fulfilling to be a part of something that is bigger than yourself and to constantly be advocating for students and listening to feedback and like there’s this really interesting parallel of Still being a student and then like being in this leadership role where I’m speaking for the students.

It’s, it’s really cool. It’s just been awesome. 

Natalie: Speaking from the position you’re in, that’s kind of a great place to be. And I’m sure we can all appreciate the stuff that you’ve done for us. In my side of things, being from wellness, I kind of wanted to talk about, What you guys do to get involved in like student wellness because I know like this the point of student body president and And the student body is to kind of give that representation and help students succeed Which is a huge thing for me.

That’s what I try to do on this podcast So it was perfect to have you on. We did have some people send in some questions just based on health related So i’ll go ahead and read those off for you the [00:03:00] first question is how does the student government advocate for wellness improvements on campus?

And are there any recent wins you’d like to highlight? 

Mimi: Yeah, so I mean I have an entire branch. It’s called the connection and belonging branch. I’ve got three vice presidents , and my sweet vice president, her name is Ava Gonzalez. I can take no credit for what she does because she has just paved this great way forward and so has her team.

 We have a really great civic engagement chair and we have really awesome, inclusion co chairs is what we call them. And they are really the ones that are paving this awesome way. For students to feel like that they have a place that they belong, that they can come to school, that they have great resources, , it’s really, really awesome to see them work.

, especially this year with HB 261. Which is a big topic of discussion in our offices. , that’s the bill that has, you know, limited DEI. , we have just really focused this year on working as closely as we possibly can to that threshold of still providing these activities and these events and these spaces for students.

, we recently had a [00:04:00] spa and wellness night that went really well. , they kind of scheduled it around this time of midterms and, you know, we just had a really stressful election. , and it was just really great. It was really great to see students that were able to Come and to be here something else that we’ve really done this year to focus on student wellness is just looking outside of these usually larger events that we do like the green out dance or insomnia, right?

Those are usually events that attract a lot of students, but we’ve kind of tapped into hey What about you know those students that don’t want to come to those big events? It’s like sure we have you know 2, 500 students who come to these events, but it’s like what about You know, maybe those like 70 or 60 kids that like that’s not their vibe and they don’t want to be there, right?

, my activity star’s name is Kyle Colmore. He is awesome. I just absolutely love him , his team has been really primarily focused this year on creating events, you know for those smaller subsets of students , we did a really fun event called sound bites. That was awesome 

It was a smaller open mic night event so you could come do poetry.

You could sing a song You could do stand up comedy. It was just whatever you wanted to Um, and we probably had about [00:05:00] 30 students there and it just was awesome. I feel like my team was able, they were able to create space for those. Um, who feel like that they can come to campus and belong. And so I feel like that’s helping push forward our initiative of wellness is, you know, having students feel like that they’re not just coming here to go to school, but that they can come and have events that they enjoy.

Natalie: Yeah, you know, I mean, and that’s. That’s really important. Like the whole slogan or saying for the school is like a place for you. 

Mimi: Totally. And I, you know, like school can be so stressful. And so if we can kind of help eliminate some of that and bring some joy to campus, it’d be like, you know, not only am I coming to school, but I’m coming to the sound bites events or, Oh, I’m feeling so stressed and I can come to the spa and wellness night.

Do you know what I mean? I’m just, I’m really hoping that through some of these events or, you know, efforts that we’re pushing forward, that students really can be like, I love coming to UVU. Yeah. Like, I’m, you know, I’m feeling so well, like I feel so great being 

Natalie: here, you know, so yeah, I loved it. I mean, I’ve gone to plenty of the events too, like some of the dances, I feel like sometimes I’m like not feeling up to [00:06:00] it.

But like, there are so many different things that you can go look up. Like that was my favorite thing about like the amount of events because We don’t necessarily have too many sports, but we, we do have sports, but like, you know, without like the huge football games here, sometimes you feel like you miss out on like that big, like community, especially being a commute school, it’s hard to like.

have so many like students here, but with having so much to do at school, it’s easy to spend a lot of time here, which is really nice. Cause for those like living far away to come here to spend all day here, like in between classes and stuff like that, there’s a lot that you can do, whether it’s just hanging out at the food court or like the activities that everybody has.

Which I think is super important, so it’s awesome to like, hear that you guys are kind of like, working on different things. Especially for those who don’t want to go to the dances, or like, be outgoing, like, there’s some like, more smaller events. Oh yeah, some of the 

Mimi: smaller, I mean even, I, like, even my academics branch, I have a really great [00:07:00] VP, his name’s Ian, and, uh, you know, I have a really great team that works over that, and they have forums.

And they do like expert sessions where they bring in professors and experts in that field. And I think that also provides a really great space, um, for students who need those resources, you know, and are maybe too afraid to ask or don’t know where to find them. And so we hold forums and ask the expert sessions, um, you know, during the day, during class hours.

So those, you know, students that you were talking about that, you know, maybe are 35 minute hour drives, you know, like they make really long commutes. And so it’s, you know, convenient hours for them while they’re on campus in between their classes to come and stop by. Um, so it’s been really great 

Natalie: too.

That’s so awesome. I know and it’s just like all involved in in learning and stuff like that, which is super super fun. Yeah. Um, the next question is a little similar, but um, mental health is a huge topic on college campuses as we were talking. Um, how is UVU’s uh, supporting students who may be struggling with stress, anxiety, other mental health [00:08:00] challenges?


Mimi: I mean, we get it. I’m like, if anybody, I’m like, we, there, I have a lot of students on my team, me included. I mean, this job is stressful. I mean, a lot of what I say or what I do, like a lot of my actions get followed very closely. And so a lot of the times I’m dealing with a lot of stress of, you know, he said, she said, she made promises, you know, all these different things.

Um, and so even in our own offices, like internally, we take a lot of time for people to take breaks to avoid burnout. Um, You know, not only are these events that we do or these forums or these speakers that we come like, you know, we’re trying to cater to all student needs, right? Um, but I do think that we, like we do, I mean, we do care a lot about mental health.

Um, we work really closely. I love Alexis Palmer. She’s the Dean of students here. And I just love her. She is such an advocate for students, but not only students, but mental health. Um, something that she’s really pushed this year has been timely care. Um, I don’t know if that’s something that you’ve heard about, but it’s just a really great program, super [00:09:00] fast and easy, quick way to be able to get access to therapy.

Um, I know that I like just to be a hundred percent honest, like I’ve personally used it a couple of times, um, where I can just get on and just be like, I am just stressed and I can be able to talk to somebody, um, and just be like, Hey, I just, I’ve got a lot going on and I just need some more help, you know, kind of managing these, these heavy emotions or these things.

Um, and it’s been really great. So. Um, not only from a student government perspective, do I feel like we are, you know, kind of pushing back on that stigma with mental health? I mean, especially here in college, because it’s stressful. It’s really stressful. Um, but there are higher ups and there’s VPs here who really care about students mental health.

Um, and I think timely care this year that they introduced was a really, really great way for a lot of students to access, you know, free therapy and help. 

Natalie: That’s awesome. I don’t think I have heard about that, but that’s, it’s been great. That’s super cool. Yeah, I think. I mean, that’s. Mostly the point of my podcast is to point out all these amazing resources because when I came like I was kind of [00:10:00] the like, well, my classes are done.

I’m leaving campus. Like there’s nothing else I’m doing here You know and then just kind of got through school as quickly as possible, which is a way to do it Yeah, like get it over with. Yeah But like if you are genuinely struggling with with your classes or any part of your life, I feel like campus resources Has everything that you need and not to mention majority to not absolutely free Oh, yeah like which is insane to me because like that’s I feel like a big hindrance to a lot of people with when it comes to like therapy and getting help or like Nutritionalists like anything involving that it’s expensive like everything costs an arm and a leg right now like i’m, just trying to survive and you’re just like paying over and over again and you know some of these like may not be like You Super, like super vetted to you personally, or be able to meet as often as maybe a paid service would be.

But like, it’s a start [00:11:00] and that’s what I love about it. It’s like it, you know, like you say, like you don’t have to go every month or every week. Like you could just go the one time just to like get that off your chest and then be like, okay, I can move on. I 

Mimi: feel like that’s kind of, I was at like a point in the semester where I just was like, you know, I was in the middle of a campaign and I was coming up on.

Midterms and all these different things and so I just was like I you know, what like why not? There’s such a stigma around mental health and I just was like I just needed some extra help You know, I just need to be able to really vent to somebody that maybe from a clinical you know clinical perspective could just be like Like these are some tactics and these are some things you can try and you know what I mean?

And I also am a huge proponent like i’m not gonna go out there and preach to the students that they should use it Or do it if it’s something that I haven’t already 

Natalie: right 

Mimi: try it out Like there is nothing worse than when you have somebody on the internet that is like, you’ve got to try this. You’ve got to try this product and you got to buy it.

And it’s like, you haven’t even tried it. You don’t even know. You haven’t even given it a shot. And so I just remember being like, if I’m going to be in this position of student body [00:12:00] president, and if I’m going to be talking to students and telling them like, hey, you should try this, or we have this resource, like, who am I to sit up there and be like, oh, but I’ve never used it.

I’ve never needed it. Do you know what I mean? It’s like, yeah, do you know what I mean? And so I thought it was helpful. I thought it was really great. So yeah. 

Natalie: Yeah, and to everybody that I’ve spoken to like on this podcast like just such kind people Oh, yeah, like they’re working here for a reason. Yeah, like they want to do this.

They want to be here 100 percent So, of course, they’re gonna want to like help you and and like we kind of talked like you kind of mentioned Um, it’s hard to ask for help too. Oh, yeah, like that’s such a stigma about like therapy and it’s also stigma about like Doing everything yourself and just like getting it over with On my recent podcast I kind of talked to Um, a fellow student who’s like has like two part time jobs, like full time student, as well as like a mother, like just like everything, like you need help at that point.

Like, and it’s like, if it’s there, why not take that resource? [00:13:00] And especially, there’s no consequences, especially when it’s free. Like nothing can come back to bite you for trying that. Like what’s the worst that can happen? Like there’s, there’s nothing like you either. Get some free advice that may help you or you get some free advice that doesn’t apply to you and you just don’t take it You can go on like go on like yeah, that’s kind of it’s just kind of a nice thing to just try out which is You know, you’re advocating, I’m advocating for it.

Like, just go try it out. But, yeah, um, and it’s so awesome to hear you guys involved with all these things and these activities. Um, Just wanted to ask for our viewers Is there a way that someone can come look at all those events that you’re doing or follow along with anything like that? 

Mimi: Yeah, so I usually would point you to our Instagram account Um, we’ve just had some issues with it lately, so it’s currently down, so I’m like, don’t check there.

It’s not active. So, um, we, if you want to come stop by our offices, we are literally just downstairs in the SL building. You [00:14:00] can’t miss us. Um, I think we’re SL one, two, two. Yep. That’s where we are. That’s really terrible that I don’t know. I’m like, I just walk in there every day. I’m like, I, yeah. We’re in SL 122, um, if you just want to come downstairs, um, you can always come into our offices.

We have somebody that’s always at the front desk right there. Um, we’re usually out flyering. We have like a list of our activities and stuff that we have going on, um. Um, just like for right now, just because we’re headed into Thanksgiving break and then we come back for a little bit, um, and then we’re, you know, the semester ends and everything.

Um, we do have a couple events just coming up. One of my favorites and I, I’ll give a little shout out is our Lego of stress event that we’re going to do. Um, just in light of finals, you can come build some Legos, kind of de stress a little bit. Um, but if you just, if you want to stop by our offices, um, we always have like a list of activities and stuff that we have going on.

And so that would probably be the best way right now while we’re working on the Instagram. To see all the info. 

Natalie: That’s awesome. Yeah. And I feel like it does get listed on the UVU events page. [00:15:00] Yeah. Yeah. You can also check like campus groups, the UVU events page. Yeah. You totally, totally, totally. So many places.

Yeah. To look that up. Lots of places. Yeah. So that’s so awesome. Um, just as kind of like a final question. Is there anything you or your student body group? Um, I don’t want to say that again. What do you call your like council? 

Mimi: Is there anything you or your like Team like you have a group team, whatever.

Yeah. Okay. Sorry 

Natalie: Just as a final question, um, is there anything you or your team, your UV USA group, um, are doing that’s exciting upcoming for like this end of semester? 

Mimi: Yeah. Um, I mean, I kind of touched a little bit on our like Lego of stress, right? You know, we’re, we are really excited about, um, obviously my connection and belonging branch is also working really hard, um, as far as being really great mental health advocates, helping students find those resources.

They work really hard towards the end of the semester as well. [00:16:00] Um, You know, I think, just, all of us, you know, working in these positions, like, we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t really care about the students. Like, I wouldn’t be here. Like 25 hours a week in all of these meetings 25 to 30 hours a week Um just advocating for students, you know what I mean?

It’s like it’s really something that we really care about and I just wish that I could have every single student come stop by You know the meetings that I sit in or you know our office to see how much work we’re really doing to kind of push This mission forward to make students feel like that they belong here, right?

Um I think some things that are just kind of exciting That you know we’re working on are just tapping into some of these events You Um, that we want students to feel like that they have a place that they can come to. Um, we have a couple Ask the Experts that are going to be coming up. Um, we have a student fees forum that’s going to be coming up, so if you’re, you know, curious about where your money is going, um, as far as student fees, um, the process that, you know, student government goes through to, um, keep those lower or to allow, you know, just different things like that.[00:17:00] 

Um, we have that coming up towards the, you know, kind of the January, February of this year as well. Um, so there’s some really. exciting things. We’re just trying to drive our mission of, hey, we really care about you as a student and we care about your feedback and the things that you care about and um, we’ve, I’ve had a lot of students in my office recently, which has been great, come and tell me about things that they’re concerned about, things that they’re finding positives.

Um, Let me start that over. I’ve had a lot of students in my office come and talk to me about, you know, negative things and positive things, um, and they’re being actively worked on. And it’s a really, really, really exciting process. So, um, just, you know, for the end of this year, we’re just, we’re really excited.

It’s been really great. We have a lot of really great, like I said, events and forums and things coming up that we hope students will find helpful as we kind of round out this semester and we head into the last semester of this year. 

Natalie: That’s awesome. Yeah. Just a follow up question on one thing. If you For like giving feedback and stuff like that.

You said [00:18:00] that they’re coming to your office. Is there any other way that like students can like ask questions or Give feedback or something that they want to happen 

Mimi: Yeah, so in each one of your respective colleges, there should be a green like drop box And it has your like college senator that has like their picture Um, you can literally like physically write out feedback and drop that in that box Um Or you can scan a little QR code that’s attached and it takes you back to our general student feedback survey where you can write anything you want.

In your wildest dreams, you can give us any sort of, I’m like, if you want three more parking garages, I’m like, you can totally suggest it. Um, but that’s another great way too. So not only can you just come stop by my office at any time you can drop by. I have candy in my office. I know you want to be there.

Incentives, right? Anything to get you there. Um, not only can you just come stop by my office or one of my VP’s offices, but you are always welcome to drop feedback in those green boxes. There’s even one in front of our office. So if you’re like, Hey, I can’t find my one at my college. Come to the Student Life and Wellness Building.

You can’t miss [00:19:00] it. It’s got my nice VP, Ian Gocher. It’s got his face on it. So you can scan that or you can physically write in and drop it into that box and we’ll take it. 

Natalie: Awesome, good to know. Good resources. Well, thank you again so much for being on here with me. Um, just wanted to point you out, highlight you to all of our students and let them know that you guys are doing some good work because I’ve definitely seen it, so.

Go out, use all these amazing resources. Is there anything else that you want students to know? 

Mimi: No, other than there are students who are actively fighting for you. I think, I mean, I touched on that, but I can’t drive that point home, like, enough. Like there, like, we really just, we care, and we care about your student fees, we care about where your money’s going, we care about the things that you care about.

I’m obviously very passionate about, you know, student focused work, so we just, there are people in your government, right now at UVU, that really care about you. 

Natalie: Yeah. So there’s [00:20:00] people in our corner, which is super nice. Absolutely Well, thank you again so much And we will catch you next time wolverines.

Have a wonderful week