“Everything Everywhere All At Once” — The New Space Odyssey

The idea of a multiverse is an idea that has pervaded modern-day superhero movies, recently revolving around the Marvel universe.. “Everything Everywhere All At Once” feels inspired by films in the genre, particularly “Into the Spider-Verse”. However, instead of letting its influences overtake the film and make it feel unoriginal, the film takes these ideas and makes them into something so bombastic and chaotic that it is truly a surprise the film is able to wrap itself up so cohesively. There is never a dull moment throughout its runtime, despite how many ideas and themes the film grapples with. “Everything Everywhere All At Once” is not only the most entertaining film to come out this year but also one of the most impactful. 

A fair comparison for this film, despite their obvious differences, is Stanley Kubrick’s masterful “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Both the films feature a drastically different second act, with so much happening at once that it almost becomes dizzying. A quality first act is what truly establishes the movie and allows for this switch-up in tone. “Everything Everywhere All At Once” does indeed feature a solid first act, with ridiculous sequences of action scenes and general goofiness amidst the madness. The second act is where the true heart of the film takes center stage. Just like “2001,” the change-up felt like whiplash. On an initial impression, it felt as though the film threw away all logic and reason, and instead sought to overwhelm the viewer with pretentious wisdom. But, in hindsight, it felt purposeful. This latter portion, especially on a second viewing, proved to be the half of the film that was more ingenious and heart-wrenching. There are numerous concepts in the film that could be delved into in numerous pages, but to do so would be a disservice as the film thrives off the audience knowing as little as possible about the film beforehand. A24 often makes their movie trailers not represent the final product and this film is yet another example of that. A24 certainly did this with the intention of catching audience members off-guard. There is simply not another film that is like “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” It is so wildly original despite its influences. 

It is difficult to judge a film as a masterpiece especially when it has just been released. However, it would be unsurprising if this film goes down as a classic – something that aspiring filmmakers will look to and use as a template for their own creations. What is also great about “Everything Everywhere All At Once” is that although it is thematically dense in some respects, it does not feel distinctly like something only a film snob would enjoy. This is without exception a movie everyone should see, as it is a movie made with everybody in mind.

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