UVU’s Cyber Security Studies Center kicks off Hacktober with lecture by Chad Bennett

schedule 3 min read

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Bennett’s address served as the beginning of a month of events including a series of workshops, cyber challenges and discussions on campus to help staff and students become smarter and more secure online.

Bennett gave an optimistic view of the future of cyber security when addressing students in his keynote presentation.


“I hope what you guys get out of this is that the future is bright; it’s amazing. What happens in the next 15 years will blow us away. I don’t think we can even imagine how much technology is going to continue to change our lives over the next few years,” said Bennett.


UVU teamed up with the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) to plan and execute this month’s events.


“It’s encouraging to see universities embrace cyber security awareness. UVU has been a great partner in helping to foster a culture of cyber security on campus,” said Russ Schrader, executive director of the NCSA. “We are pleased to see UVU continue to push greater awareness and education through its Hacktober campaign, as well as all year.”


President Tuminez expressed the need for cybersecurity.


“Cyber security remains a challenge for many industries, and higher education is no exception,” said President Astrid Tuminez. “Cyber security is just as important as campus physical safety and security. Hacktober is an educational and fun way to help everyone better understand online risks and what to do about them.”


Bennett believes that cyber security is important for students because they are going to be the ones responsible for the future of the nation’s cyber security.


“The future of technology, the future of national security, the future of our families relies on us, on you,” Bennett said.
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Instagram: @_johnny.morris_


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