Lacrosse tearin’ it up early in the season

After an incredibly successful spring season, the lacrosse team began their fall season the only way they know how, with a victory.

The team played Tribal West on Saturday, Sept. 11, and won  with a final score of 15-13.

Coach Kevin Perkins is hopeful for the team this year, and says that all the new faces bring a lot of new talent. In his debut game, freshman Freddy Davis scored five goals.

Coach Perkins stated that new goalie Wesley LeFevre is solid in the cage and learning the speed of college very well. Also new to the team, and excelling early in the season, are freshmen Randy Butts of Sandy and Steve Boles of Orem.

Benefiting the team with his return this year is midfielder Larry Sullivan. Coach Perkins noted that Sullivan is a solid player that has a direct impact on the outcome of games.

Understandably pleased with his team, Perkins says that they are a hardworking bunch of student athletes with positive attitudes and a hunger to continually improve. He says his goal for the season is to come together as a team, to win a few games and lose a few games.

“Being a practice season, losses and wins are important,” stated Perkins. “No feeling like losing a game can help you become better and more focused.”

“Winning games is what we do,” said Perkins. “That’s UV ball.”

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Jeremy Dahl
Jeremy Dahl
14 years ago

I watched Freddy play and he is an amazing athlete. He is one of the best attackman i have seen. He is very smart and has great stick skill.