UVU Athletics Finish 3rd in Excellence in Management Cup



Kenzie Jones, Sports Editor, @KenzieScribbler

Utah Valley University Athletics Department finished third nationally in the 2013-14 Excellence in Management Cup. The competition is presented by Texas A&M’s Laboratory for the Study of Intercollegiate Athletics.

The EM Cup honors athletic departments that win the most conference and national championships with the lowest expenses. The award is was created to bring about awareness about NCAA athletic departments that are maximizing fiscal resources leading to championship victories.

UVU took the honor for the 2013-14 seasons because of three of their low cost programs taking home Western Athletic Conferences titles. The teams who earned those titles for the Wolverines are: men’s cross country, men’s basketball, and softball.

Excellence in Management Top 10 

  1. University of Idaho, 3.8506
  2. University of Louisiana Lafayette, 3.3111
  3. Utah Valley University, 2.5790
  4. University of Texas-Arlington, 2.0768
  5. University of Denver, 1.8425
  6. Buffalo, 1.6765
  7. University of New Mexico, 1.6372
  8. Arkansas State University, 1.5796
  9. University of Connecticut, 1.5787
  10. University of Oregon, 1.5432
Kenzie Jones

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