UVU softball wins one and drops two to NM State

Coming off a four game-win streak after beating Utah 5-2,  UVU softball went back on the road to play New Mexico State in Las Cruces, N.M. They played a triple-header Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6. These games resulted in one win and two loss for UVU making their overall record 12-19.

Friday, a beautiful day of 74 degrees in Las Cruces, UVU didn’t quite arrive and NM State didn’t show up. A slow game at bat, NM State finally made a connection with a single out to left field, resulting in a player on base taking the first and only successful run of the game. The final score for game one was 1-0 in favor of New Mexico State.

The next day, on Saturday, NM State fell behind in the beginning of the first game when UVU reached an error and a pair of singles to take the one-run lead.  UVU continued to bring the heat, scoring on an RBI single before a three-run homer in the bottom of the second inning to give the girls a 5-2 lead. This momentum continued and resulted in a four hit, four run sweep, giving UVU a win the final score  9-7.

The second game in Saturday’s double header went a little differently than the first. A homer by NM State junior Nikki Butler went over the centerfield fence and put NM State in the lead. What followed was some radio silence on the bats for three innings, finally broken in the sixth inning by NM State, bringing the score to 6-0 with New Mexico ahead. UVU brought in a home run in the seventh inning with junior Basia Query. Query led the team with 54 hits and tied for the team lead with 12 doubles last year and has continued to bat strong all season this year. Query’s hit brought the final to 7-1 in favor of NM State.

UVU will be home this coming weekend April 12 and 13 for a triple-header against Seattle University with the first pitch Friday at 2 p.m. where they will hope to end Seattle’s win streak.  Meet at the Wolverine Softball field to cheer them on.

Photo courtesy of UVU Athletics

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