North Korean defector speaks about her experiences to UVU students, faculty
The Fulton Library auditorium was filled at capacity with students, faculty and staff eager to see world-renowned author, Lee Hyeon-seo who was READ MORE
The Fulton Library auditorium was filled at capacity with students, faculty and staff eager to see world-renowned author, Lee Hyeon-seo who was READ MORE
Winter is coming and with that dreaded cold drawing near, here are three books students should read to inspire, motivate, cultivate or READ MORE
It’s not difficult to imagine why a book like “Reviving Ophelia” would interest Erica Robinson, who works with troubled teens in our READ MORE
Travel forward and back in time, around the globe and beyond; probe the psyches of housewives, heathens and heroes; explore universal conflicts READ MORE
1. Reading books makes you appear intelligent and sophisticated to your good friends, cherished co-workers, and other subordinates. Kind of like smoking READ MORE