Campus guide: how to eat on campus with special dietary needs


July 12, 2018

schedule 5 min read

When venturing a new campus, there are some locations everyone should know about. It is vital to know where the restrooms are, where your classrooms are and where you can grab delicious food to keep your brain functioning. For those with special dietary needs, navigating a food court can be quite intimidating. If you need […]

Healing through Silence: Tips for Headaches


February 20, 2012

schedule 2 min read

Question: I get headaches on a regular basis, how can I get rid of them?   Prevention is key. Being healthy prevents pain, injuries and disease. Remember, the causes of headaches are often stress, muscle or circulation related.   So how can you prevent headaches?   Meditation, Exercise, Diet.   When we meditate we give […]

Raw foods


September 7, 2009

schedule 3 min read

One thing you should know: this was a failed experiment and the resulting calorie deficit may be partly responsible for my pitiful stature of five feet, two inches. Probably not, but maybe.    Another thing you should know: if you embark on a raw diet, in order to consume enough calories, you’ll have to eat […]