Conspiracy theories are not passive in the age of Trump


February 24, 2019

schedule 3 min read

Robert  Goldberg, director of the Tanner Humanities Center and Professor of History at the University of Utah, visited UVU as the guest speaker for the Appomattox Project  to discuss the role of conspiracy under the current U.S. president Wednesday, Feb. 20 in the Clarke Building. “My concern is that the Trump Administration, which not only […]

Chaffetz entangled in partisan politics: Is he tackling the big issues?


April 4, 2017

schedule 3 min read

Photo by Julie Ostler Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, has a lot on his plate lately, considering all of the accusations being flung from both sides of the aisle, but he doesn’t want anything to do with it. Did the Russians interfere with the presidential election? Chaffetz doesn’t seem […]

Draining the swamp or clogging the drain?


January 18, 2017

schedule 3 min read

With the inauguration of President-elect Trump looming, many are still uncertain of what his presidency is going to look like due to his fluid stance on many issues. To gain insight as to what a Trump administration may entail, people have begun looking at his cabinet appointments. First is Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Senator […]

Trump the biggest benefactor of his new tax plan?


October 10, 2016

schedule 3 min read

On Thursday, Sept. 15, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump released his latest vision of his tax plan, which includes substantial tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Aspects of his plan include reducing the current seven tax brackets down to three, repealing the estate tax, lowering the tax rates for businesses from 35 percent to 15 […]

Presidential candidates face fresh scrutiny


September 7, 2016

schedule 3 min read

With less than three months and three debates left to go, many people are frustrated with the two main choices for president that they have been presented with. Both of the major party candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, seem to be consistently mired in new scandals with each passing day. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton […]