UVU & BYU Block Party Addressed Sexual Assaults
On Friday, Sept. 15, students of UVU and BYU joined together to support survivors of sexual assault at the “Light Up the Night” block party located at UVU Fulton Library quad.
On Friday, Sept. 15, students of UVU and BYU joined together to support survivors of sexual assault at the “Light Up the Night” block party located at UVU Fulton Library quad.
“We often think of Utah as “Happy Valley” a generally safe place,” said Hayden Brooks. “But we can see at our school and in our community sexual violence and abuse is a reality, we must educate people that this is a real thing.”
Solutions to end sexual assault and harassment issues faced on and off campus were discussed during a consent workshop, sponsored by the READ MORE
Photos by Sammie Raymond Violence against women, men and children was addressed during the Clothesline Project hosted by the Women’s Success READ MORE
The Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault, along with the Utah Department of Health and the Center for Women and Children in Crisis READ MORE
Photo credit: Julie Ostler | Assistant Photo Editor | @jules1lo People are less likely to provide help to a sexual assault READ MORE