Virtual Turkey Trot


December 9, 2020

schedule 2 min read

On the last day of November, UVU students completed the Virtual Turkey Trot, which spanned the entire month and was hosted by UVU Intramurals. The Turkey Trot was conducted virtually so participants could complete  on their own time and run it anywhere they wanted. Using the tracking device, Strava, runners could keep track of their […]

Star-giving focuses on student connection


November 12, 2017

schedule 3 min read

UVU’s mentor program held its annual freshman Thanksgiving dinner in the Grand Ballroom Nov. 8. The force was strong as the crowd gathered for this Star Wars themed event. Everything from fried chicken and mashed potatoes to lightsaber and laser fights were a part of this strange and enticing event. “It’s something a lot of […]

6 Thanksgiving drinks for those who desire a buzz


November 26, 2014

schedule 4 min read

For alcoholic drinks as college students, the trick is to get away with a bunch of different choices while buying the least amount of supplies. That way, you have variety without spending a lot and having a lot left over. There are a few delicious options that use apple cider, so step one: make a […]

A vegan Thanksgiving


November 19, 2012

schedule 3 min read

While a vegan Thanksgiving may lack a turkey, it makes up for it in creativity and flavor.

For the health of it


November 19, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Pumpkins are more than just delicious treats. They provide countless health benefits, as well.

Black Friday: To shop or not to shop?


November 21, 2011

schedule 2 min read

Top five reasons to go Black Friday Shopping: By Nick Scholz   In Utah Valley, few events match our natural inclinations quite as well as Black Friday. It is the frightening union between dependable thrift and wanton consumerism, penny-pinching frugality and wildly irresponsible capitalism and it speaks to our deal-searching souls.   For those who […]

Thanksgiving at the V


November 27, 2009

schedule 1 min read

Students think back to their fondest memories of Thanksgiving… including that fateful year that Uncle Al threw the turkey at grandma.