Woodbury Art Museum presents faculty art show
The murmur from patrons shuffling between exhibits drifted above the neatly-tiled floors and illuminated walls toward the vaulted warehouse-style ceilings of the READ MORE
The murmur from patrons shuffling between exhibits drifted above the neatly-tiled floors and illuminated walls toward the vaulted warehouse-style ceilings of the READ MORE
Eggs, sausage, bacon, hamburgers, tacos, pizza and steak are just some of the many foods that Americans love to eat. With a READ MORE
It’s been ten years since the greatest tragedy of our time. It was an attack READ MORE
The Cannonized Cinema column welcomes guest writers John-Ross Bocye and Matthew Jonassaint. The Great Depression had “City Lights.” The 60s had “The READ MORE
It is a tale of jealousy, selfishness and the downfall of a once great man. And for the first time, people can READ MORE
Darkness. Monsters. Murder. Spaghetti? The event was titled “An Affair to Dismember,” and the night of gruesome mayhem welcomed all who dared READ MORE
Running 10 kilometers may not sound like a lot of fun, but when you throw in a chance to play in the READ MORE
It’s a movie about Porter Rockwell, Free Masons, ancient bloodlines and the Ark of the Covenant. Oh, and UVU students. “The Masonic READ MORE
Karaoke and laughter wafted down the halls of the Student Center. Looking into the room, there were instant calls to stay and READ MORE