Short Attention Span Theatre: A celebration of student work
A night full of varying emotions, the Short Attention Span Theatre prompted laughs and tears, and it definitely maintained the audience’s attention.
A night full of varying emotions, the Short Attention Span Theatre prompted laughs and tears, and it definitely maintained the audience’s attention.
Repertory Ballet Ensemble collaborates with the Theatre, Art and Design, and Dance departments for their February production, Hansel and Gretel and Other READ MORE
Boggess visited UVU on March 28 during the Noorda Center’s Week of Dreams program to lead a masterclass on building self-expression and confidence while performing.
Aspen Thompson, a junior theater major, has a clear and dedicated passion for theater. Her experience and enthusiasm have led her to the UVU theater program where she is currently studying and emphasizing in acting.
It’s rare for a theatrical production to bring an audience directly into its world, but in UVU’s production of The Laramie Project, READ MORE
Tackling sensitive subject matter such as kidnapping, child molestation and serial killing, Chelsea S. Smith chose to direct the play “Frozen” for READ MORE
In a time of war when ordinary men’s lives can end in a torrent of bullets, it is the green-eyed monster of READ MORE
Take tidbits of the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel and combine it with Cinderella’s fairy godmother and a pragmatic goblin-fighting princess, READ MORE