Recovering from the wounds of economic decline


October 5, 2009

schedule 4 min read

Open your wallet and rifle through its contents. Your student I.D. card, a few receipts, a fully stamped card redeemable for frozen yogurt, a few family photos … is there anything missing? Your wallet is undoubtedly lighter because there was an increase in tuition this semester. During the 2008-2009 school year, full-time residents were paying […]

Sketch: The healing power of art


October 5, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Sketch This week, the expert input comes from over 900 shirts. The Clothesline Project, which displays T-shirts made by and in honor of victims of violence and abuse, was displayed at UVU last week. While the shirts do display horrific amounts of pain, they also bear witness to the powerful effects of healing. “A lot […]

The anatomy of fear


October 5, 2009

schedule 4 min read

Secrets of a haunted house revealed A good scare is an October tradition. For some, that might include rewatching Ghostbusters, but for those craving something more interactive, haunted houses are a Halloween-time must. But what makes a good scare? Sean Murray, one of the owners of Nightmare Mansion and a teacher of fear, explained just […]

Fire Arm Permit Class


October 5, 2009

schedule 2 min read

On Oct. 7 and 8 in the student center, the College Republicans will be hosting the Utah/ Multi-state concealed firearm permit class. The cost is $40 for club members and $45 for guests. The class is open to anyone wishing to obtain a concealed firearm permit or anyone wishing to learn more about the Second […]

Eating at In ‘N Out Doesn’t Make You a Californian


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Hey buddy, Jonny Poole here. Just wanted to drop a quick line to you and all the other Utah natives out there so that there’s no confusion in the upcoming months. See, now that In ‘N Out Burger is officially constructing locations in Utah, I know it must be tough to remember that you’re not […]

Bethesda Wants You to Get Wet


October 5, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Bethesda Software is known far and wide for its incredibly deep, varied and story-driven games. Just so you know, their latest offering – Wet – fits into none of these categories. As a matter of fact, Wet fits into a strange, almost paradoxical subset of games that can be categorized as fun but not necessarily good. Based […]

Balance yourself with yoga


September 28, 2009

schedule 3 min read

If you’re like most students, you’re probably starting to feel the weight of classes bear down on you. With UVU’s yoga club, you can start to strip away that stress. To those who’ve been living in a cave and are unfamiliar with yoga, it is a different sort of exercise that has its participants engage […]

Ethics Awareness Week


September 28, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Since 1992, UVU’s Center for the Study of Ethics has held an Ethics Awareness Week. It is a week-long series of panels and lectures, and the center funds sessions selected from those submitted by faculty, staff and community members. Focused on ethical content in a variety of settings, the Center’s goal is to promote Ethics […]