Illustration by Ysabel Berger
Making friends is a key point of a great college experience, but with approximately half the students on campus and most classes moving online, having a social life may seem like an impossible task. Here are some fun tips to help make friends, during the semester.
Have at least one friend in every class
Whenever you have questions about the course, having at least one friend to turn to can be very relieving. Take a chance and message your classmates about your course, or even life outside the classroom.
Be friends with at least one roommate
Having one roommate to talk to or watch movies with can help you take a break from school stress. Chances are your current roommates will be your roommates until your housing contract ends. Being kind, respectful, and willing to set boundaries with your roommates can also lead towards a healthy friendship. By genuinely asking about their interests, you might find you have at least a few things in common besides your living space.
If you have a class on campus, try carpooling
Have a roommate or a friend that goes to class on campus the same day you do? Save on gas and parking by carpooling, and have a fun commute at the same time! Carpooling can also be a great opportunity to catch up, talk about things outside of school, or listen to music. If you do not have a roommate or a friend that can drive, try finding someone in your class to carpool with. If you don’t have classes on campus, you could always carpool to the grocery store or take a drive around town.
Give a compliment every day
Giving a compliment can feel as rewarding as receiving a compliment! Starting a conversation with a compliment can be a more genuine introduction than using icebreakers. Since masks have almost become a necessary accessory, asking about someone’s mask is a gateway into a great conversation and a possible friendship. Take time to connect with someone else — even a fellow student — and ask them where the mask came from.
Join a club
Clubs can be great social environments and places to connect with people who have the same interests or academic track as you. This semester, Club Rush will be a virtual event on Sept. 15-16, hosted by the Club Office. Students will be able to attend by viewing short video clips submitted by participating clubs. More information about Club Rush will be coming soon.
Just remember, the quantity of friends you have doesn’t matter as much as having a few quality friends you can rely on. Chances are, the person you’re reaching out to is struggling and needs your friendship as much as you need theirs. Try making a new friend with these tips, and message us about your experience @uvureview on Instagram for a chance to be featured.