Homecoming Events: Part I

Despite the fact that UVU is associated with the color green, it’s not uncommon to see blue or red shirts around campus.


But with the newer university status, students are slowly painting their hearts green. And to help raise school spirit and create a deeper connection to this Wolverine institution, UVUSA will help by trading T-shirts. During homecoming week, Y’s or U’s can be traded in for UVU’s. Tuesday through Thursday, Nov. 15-17, at the Art Wall in the Student Center, students can bring a T-shirt from another college near or far and trade it in for a T-shirt with a UVU logo.


The purpose of the T-shirt swap is to increase “school spirit and give out free UVU apparel,” said Maggie Owens, of the Student Government Student Life branch. Students wearing other schools’ apparel “has been an issue here.”


Last year the shirts were green, for the Green Out homecoming game, but this year’s game will be a “black out,” just like the T-shirts. But the UVU logo with a touch of UVU’s own green will be a strong symbol of pride for this school.


On Tuesday, Nov. 15 evening, students can trade their newly acquired T-shirt out for a gown or tuxedo for the President’s Fall Ball. The Ball will start at 6:00 p.m. in the Grande Ballroom and tickets are $15 per couple or $10 for singles.


As the only semi-formal dance put on by UVUSA, the Ball is in its third year and has always been well attended.


The Ball provides an opportunity to dress up for a night of dancing and glamour, as well as the chance to mingle with President Matthew Holland and his wife.


“Paige and I look forward to what has become a Homecoming tradition, the President’s Fall Ball,” Holland said. “I love to interact with our excellent students as often as possible, but there is something special about the opportunity to mingle in this particular setting.  I hope to see a large turnout for what will no doubt be a memorable evening.”


One ball will be traded for another on Thursday, Nov. 17, during the annual homecoming dodgeball tournament. Teams of six will compete until two teams remain. The top teams will compete at halftime during the homecoming basketball game on Saturday, Nov. 19. Teams interested in competing can sign up in the Student Government complex, in SC 105.


If students can’t float a ball in a dodgeball tournament, they can instead see a float when they attend the shopping cart parade on Wednesday, Nov. 18. Groups like the OAC, schools on campus, the MAWL, Athletics, Cheer and Dance and Student Alumni will have the opportunity to showcase their departments or organizations with a decorative float built around a shopping cart. The parade will begin at Centre stage, go through the Business building and end at the Grande Ballroom.


“We think it’ll be a good turn out,” Owens said. “We’re excited and have been working really hard.”


Members of UVUSA will also be at the Art Wall in the Student Center all week.


By Andrea Whattcott – Editor-in-Chief


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