Hypnotist Chris Jones stuns UVU students with his wild performance

Hypnotist & Comedian Chris Jones traveled to Utah Valley University to stun UVU students with his hypnosis skills.

Wednesday, Aug. 24th became an extremely exciting third day of the fall semester for many UVU students when they attended the hypnotic performance of Chris Jones in the Ragan Theater. The audience would be left speechless throughout the next hour as Jones would work his “magic” that included superheroism, confessions, and a lot of dancing.

Students described the performance as “very entertaining” and “super fun.” Many skeptical members of the audience were puzzled to understand if hypnotism was real by the end of the show. This is the mark of a great hypnotist, which is to change the opinion of the audience by the end of the show. Jones, who appeared on America’s Got Talent, became fascinated with hypnotism while getting his master’s degree. He found fame after making known germaphobe Howie Mandel shake hands with his fellow hosts on AGT. Now, he shares his talents with us here at Utah Valley University. Jones said, “I like Utah, period not a comma. I very much like the school. This is maybe my second time here and I’ve been doing this for 12 years. Whenever I come to Utah, I’m not saying this to be polite, lots of memories, lots of thoughts, and it’s a good emotional thing for me.”

Chad Roderick

Senior Broadcast News Director

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