Jenn’s Dusty Shelf

Pretty in Pink is a 1986 John Hughes classic teen-angst high school drama starring ‘The Brat Pack.’ Molly Ringwald plays Andie, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, literally. She lives by the railroad station with her emotionally unavailable, unemployed father.

Andie is the typical over-acheiver. She has her own unique style, via her lack of funds and her imagination. She also has multiple guys chasing her tail. Duckie, played by Jon Crye, is her best friend, one of the poor kids and hopelessly in love with her. Blane is the rich kid that Andie has a crush on and who reciprocates the feeling. Steff, played by James Spader, is the other rich kid that has a curiosity in Andie.

Heightened hormones and unfortunate circumstances weave this story of love, money, and youth. From the high school parties, first dates/first heartbreaks, and falling in love, this film tells a story that has some real depth.

The dialogue isn’t amazing. The music isn’t amazing. The wardrobes are oddly enticing, especially Andie’s prom dress. The reason Pretty in Pink is amazing is because of the story.


More than once, this movie has caused me deep emotional turmoil.

The prom sequence is reason this film stands out in my mind. Andie makes a really rad dress out of two other dresses and Duckie saves the day and takes her to the dance because Blane stands her up after being embarrassed of her because she is poor.
Blane is at the prom when she arrives and he gives her a long speech apologizing, then leaves. Duckie, being the friend he is, tells her to go after him. They have a nice moment, in the rain of course, and it’s official — Andie chooses Blane, the rich guy, over true-blue Duckie. Thus, the reasoning for my anxiety.

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