Photo illustration: Valerie Cheatham
Graduation is approaching fast and campus is buzzing with an air of excitement, even if that excitement in tempered by a nervous energy. The one question, “when are you graduating?” has suddenly turned into a series of questions. “What are your plans after graduation?” “Are you going to use your degree?” “Are you thinking about grad school?” They make heads spin around and around until you are in a state of panic. For a lot of people, those questions are answered by an “I don’t know.”
All of a sudden you are lost and contemplating if graduating is the beginning or the end of something great. Here are some ways to remain confident about the uncertain future.
1. Don’t overthink.
You are already successful. You are graduating college. Going through four years of higher education was not an easy task. You had ups and downs, moments when you wanted to give up and classes you didn’t know you were going to pass but you did it. Take baby steps and don’t worry too much about things.
2. Choose a mantra to tell yourself when others make you feel insecure.
The hundreds of questions you are getting about your future are making you insecure, but don’t think worst- case scenario. Instead, tell give yourself reassurance. It’s okay not to know your next steps. Find a phrase or quote that you can tell yourself when you are starting to panic and overthink.
3. Shoot for the stars
We all have that big dream that seems impossible and sometimes we are afraid to share it with others. It’s easier to tell people that you don’t know what you want to do because you are afraid they will laugh or think you are kidding yourself. Now is the time to be confident in that dream and start making steps toward those dreams. Don’t be afraid to tell people what you want and make sure you are taking steps to achieve that. Want to be a big-time New York lawyer? Apply for internships and law school. Don’t sell yourself short. You can achieve amazing things.
4. Be proud of your past, but realize it is time to move on.
UVU has been a blessing. It has given you opportunities to learn and develop your skills. You will have something new to add to your resume, a college degree, all thanks to UVU. As much as you have loved being part of the lectures and making friends, it’s time to start a new chapter in your life. The part of your life where you get to do what you love for a living rather than living to learn about what you love.
Every UVU student has helped to make this university a better place for the next generation of students. You have changed UVU for the better and UVU had changed you as well. Take that to heart. Find comfort in the next chapter of your life that you have made a change. You are leaving behind a legacy.