For students, this is the time of year to say goodbye to sleeping past 10 a.m. or even noon and hello to those early hours that haven’t been seen in months. Geraldine Azero is a student at UVU and said this fall she will go from getting eight hours of sleep, to only six. Most students are in the same boat.
“I’m not going to get any sleep. I have 8 a.m. classes. My life will be over,” Ruth said.
Like Ruth, many struggle with balancing work, school and social life. Brianna Lago is another such student.
“They say you get two out of three: homework, sleep, or a social life. So I definitely won’t get enough sleep this fall,” Lago said.
On top of being busy, many students share a room, which means schedules must work together. Emily Dinsdale shared a room last year, which cut into her sleeping patterns.
“The school year will completely change my sleep schedule. While in school I have to learn to grab sleep whenever I can because I don’t always know when I’ll be able to sleep again,” Dinsdale said.
Although most students said they would be expecting the extra strain on their amount of sleep, Emily Stephenson was not one of these students.
“It’s not going to change at all. I intentionally signed up for late classes so I can sleep in. For my first semester of classes, I signed up for 8 a.m. classes and that was a big mistake,” Stephenson said.
Students have plenty of things they are involved in to take up their time and sleep seems to be less important than the other things. For some, the priority list is easy to organize, and for others it may be a struggle, but it’s not a decision one can avoid.