Stop and smell the adventure

Hiking, biking, climbing and the greatest snow on Earth; UVU is surrounded by world-class outdoor recreation, and UVU’s Outdoor Adventure Center is here to help students get there. When regular schedules of class, work and homework start to feel monotonous, this is the on-campus resource to escape the grindstone and get outside and off-campus for adventure.

Among other things, the OAC offers students guided trips and equipment rental.

One of the center’s guides, Laura Vincent, says the OAC aims to “provide all the services for students to get outside and do something.” Students passing by the OAC office on the first floor of the Student Center might notice the stands of kayaks, bikes, and snow rental equipment but can easily miss the maps, adventure books and how–to guides. However, they may not realize those resources are meant for their use.

The OAC also regularly plans exciting, guided trips. Adventures can range from a hot spring “hike-&-soak” under a full moon to an upcoming river-rafting trips that can count for classroom credit.

These scheduled expeditions sync with other services the OAC offers that educate students on exciting new hobbies. The subjects covered range from lessons on packing for an overnight backpacking trip, advice on local trails and conditions and selling discounted lift-ticket prices for students right here on campus. The OAC also offers a convenient repair shop, servicing that busted binding or broken bikes.

Why should students choose the OAC over a guide service, or a commercial rental place? “We are way cheaper,” said Quinn Linford, a representative of the OAC, explaining that the Outdoor Adventure Center and its guided trips are run at cost. According to listed Internet pricings, the OAC is equal to or better than BYU’s services and much cheaper than several for-profit rental outfits along the Wasatch Front.

The OAC is located in SC-103h, just north of the bookstore in the Sorenson Student Center across from Campus Connection, where you got your Student ID.   Open 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 PM p.m., Monday through Friday, the OAC welcomes students and community members looking for new experiences to stop and smell the adventure.

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