One technology that has revolutionized our society is the cell phone. The cell phone was created in 1973 by Martin Cooper and has had a life changing effect on society ever since. Today, it is not uncommon to see kids as young as 12 texting on their cell phones. With the revolution of modern technology instant communication is spread everywhere thanks to text messaging, Facebook and Skype.
Although all of these forms of technology are easy and convenient there is some debate as to whether or not all of this technology is hurting communication more than it is helping.
When asked if they thought that they communicated better or worse than their parents, many UVU students had varied opinions.
“I don’t know if I communicate better or not than my parents,” said Jenny Cartwright. “My mom would say I don’t but I would say that I do.”
Freshman Jessica Bagley had similar feelings, saying that, “I think I am better at communicating with people I know but my parents are probably better at communicating with people that they don’t know.”
“I agree with this statement,” said Alysa Chamberlan. “I don’t communicate as well. My parents are more outgoing.”
The difference in communication has led many older adults to believe that young people spend too much time on their computers and cell phones, which has caused a lack of communication skills.
Chamberlan agreed with this, saying, “I agree without a doubt. Face to face communication is dying. Texting is so much easier.”
Although young people tend to enjoy the new forms of technology, many agree that the lack of face to face communication could have a negative effect of the future generation.
“I think the lack of communication will ultimately give the next generation a lack of social skills,” said Jacob Krebs. “I think they will be less involved in the world.”
“My fear is that soon we will have elementary kids with phones that won’t learn to communicate as efficiently and the written language will suffer. I mean, I find myself writing a paper and using texting slang now, let alone how bad it will be then,” Bagley said.
“We can’t stop it, it’s our technology progress,” said Larisa Dartiguenave. “We can only find the positives and negatives, but the way it will affect society will depend on how fast we find the positive things.”
Cheyenn Clayburn, Life Writer