Let’s not lie—most of us have fallen asleep at school at one point. It is almost a game to see who can find the most innovative places to sleep. This article will cover some of the most popular and around what time they will be the most busy. We’ll also give you some helpful tips if you ever find yourself in desperate need to crash.
Three of the most commonly mentioned places to catch a few z’s are the business building, the classroom building, and the library. According to Bailey Grosland, an Freshman studying engineering, the business building has desks that “fit a person perfectly.”
Alec Larsen, a Junior studying economics, is a fan of the business building’s comfortable chairs.
The preferred classroom building destinations appear to be the study sections in the upper levels. The quiet signs around these sections make for ideal sleeping conditions. This is one of Engineering Junior Leanna Schirmer’s go-to places.
The Library’s quiet study floors are ideal for getting some shut eye. “Especially the fourth floor near the windows,” says Grosland. This is likely due to the delightful couches which reside there.
Other locations mentioned were:
- The LDS Institute building.
- The Hall of Flags.
- The Student Life and Wellness Center.
- The benches outside (weather permitting.)
- The cubbies between the Liberal Arts building and the library.
These locations allow some semblance of isolation but should be avoided around 12 p.m. This is when all of the students interviewed agreed they are most likely to take a nap. The good news is that most of them also agree that they only sleep for about an hour.
According to Grosland, “All of these places require headphones.” This serves a dual purpose, blocking out ambient noise and listening to lulling sounds. Most students also agree that you should use your backpack and other accessories as a pillow. Hodges actually suggests using your jacket as a pillow. That also works as a safety measure, but Larsen says, “I don’t think I have ever intentionally gone to sleep on campus, but I have also felt fairly safe doing so.”
The take away from all this is that sleeping on campus is an artform. There are various locations where one could do so and finding a place that works for you may be a valuable thing to learn, especially during those weeks that are particularly challenging—such as finals. UVU is a relatively safe place to take naps—just be mindful before you crash.
Want to get more ideas for prime slumber spots? Check out the Instagram feed @UVUsleepers, which posts submitted photos of students napping on campus. Be aware—you may be next.