Urinetown: Get ready for Hilarity

Bobby Strong (Kyle Baugh) and his band of full-blattered protesters rise up against the unfair restroom laws of Urinetown. The show was held on October 1st, in the Noorda Center. Photo by Jonah Hokit

UVU performing arts opened Urinetown Sept. 27 gaining it’s spot as the most ridiculous masterpiece you have seen so far at UVU. 

Welcome to Urinetown population 97,838! Here in Urinetown, “it’s a privilege to pee.” Due to a drought, water is short, and conservation is needed. The town’s major corporation Uringoodcompany swooped in to be the savior regulating urination and only allowing public amenities. These restrooms can only be accessed after paying a fee. 

Don’t have the money? You are just going to have to hold it. To pee anywhere else will get you a one-way ticket to Urinetown, escorted by “Police Officer Lockhart”, played by Jacob Thomason.

A sinister yet goofy Officer Longstock (Jacob Thomason) prowls the night for law breaking pee bandits. The production took place on October 1st, in the Noorda center. Photo by Jonah Hokit.

A larger than life, comedic take on political problems we face today Urinetown shows a capitalist government with it’s bad and good. 

“Little Sally”, played by Morgan Jepson, acting in the narrator role, stole the show. One member of the audience unable to contain herself exclaimed, “I would die for Little Sally!” With “Little Sally’s” pigtails and deep questions, she pulled the show along and brought tears of laughter to the audience. 

Mckelle Shaw playing “Penelope Pennywise”, the wicked mother of the community character, gave a fantastic performance. Her character was both believable and hilarious, she then sang a solo and completely blew the audience away.

Penelope Pennywise, (Mckelle Shaw) catches a citizen in the act of illegally urinating outside of a public amenity. The show was held on October 1st, in the Noorda Center. Photo by Jonah Hokit.

The music was fantastic through the entire performance. Urinetown covers many genres of music from a “Run Freedom Run” gospel score, to Jazz, to more Classical Ballads. Each song bore difficult intonation and rhythm. The music composition was difficult but, the performers did not miss a beat during the performance. With exceptional harmonies from the ensemble members and the shining talent of leading man, Bobby Strong played by Kyle Baugh; the music was the high point of the show. 

Make sure to go and see this fun and funky show, Urinetown runs all week closing night on Friday, Oct. 5. General Admission tickets are $15 with Student tickets discounted to $10. Tickets can be purchased here.  

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