UVU club helps typhoon victims

Ryan Muir, Staff writer, ramuir12@gmail.co

On Feb. 15 in the UVU ballroom, the Japan clubJapanese culture night, shared the culture of Japan and the kindness of its’ people. For the past four years, Japanese culture nights have raised money for charity organizations. for those suffering from disease, to a recovery center of This year’s event focused on raising money for victims of the victims of the tsunami Typhoon Haiyan, that hit the Philippines on November 2013 Japan.

This year’s event gave assistance to the country of the Philippines. The culture night was filled with music, food, dancing and other activities. While there were lighthearted moments, the reason for the night was to help a country and a people recover from a storm.

In previous years Japan club has raised money for Japanese Tsunami victims, including friends and family that had been effected. With the more recent typhoon in the Phillipines, club members felt empathy towards the victims and to wanted use their resources to help.When the typhoon ravaged the land of the Philippines in November last year, the Japan club had a great deal of empathy for the people of country, and decided to make the fifth annual Japanese culture night a platform to raise money to assist in the relief efforts.

“[Charity] events help the students to think about others and become leaders,” said Junko Watabe, Japan club adviser.

As the event began,  there was a presentation showing the devastation and the victims of the typhoon that hit the Philippines.; followingFollowing this, there was a brief explanation of what the purpose of the event and then the performances began.

The ballroom was lined with booths and each one featured a game. The games ranged from ancient games to more recent activities, but each celebrated Japan and it’s culture.

A children’s choir, with each child holding a flower, performed a number that was sung in Japanese and written to provide encouragement and hope to the victims of the Japanese Japanese tsunami.

Members of the Japan club performed two dance numbers. These dances encompassed the more modern aspects of Japan in everything from music to dress.

Perhaps oOne of the highlights was that of the Japanese cowhide drums which stood near two feet off the ground. In total there were more than a dozen of these drums.

“I love the drums,” said Students like Tanner Olsen, an international business major at UVU who returned from living in Japan for 2 years said. “I love the drums.” His sentiments were shared by accounting student Amy Moellen who said “They were so powerful.”Accounting student Amy Moellen added, “They were so powerful.”

The band, Kenshin Taiko performed three compositions. The rhythms included one called the Dragon and another inspired by the Japanese art form of anime. Many of the event guests appreciated the drums the most.

There were many reasons to attending the culture night g such as time spent in Japan or because of knowing because a performer, but for some students, this night helped relieve homesickness. As Japan club member, Tina Richards, expresses the meaning of the event, “[Japan culture night] helps me realize how beautiful my country is and it gives me a desire to share with others,.” said Tina Richards, a Japanese club member.

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