UVU Student Nick Zemp Helps Heal Others Using Medicinal Herbs

Lee Thomas | Lifestyle Editor | @leenis85


After sustaining a neck injury six years ago that left him bound to a wheelchair, UVU Chemistry/Botany double major Nick Zemp uses his knowledge and positive energy to spread the word about herbal remedies.

Zemp grew up in Idaho Falls and, as an adult, moved to several different cities around the country before ending up in Asheville, NC, where his life changed forever.

After falling off a balcony at a party and breaking his neck, Zemp became paralyzed from the waist down.

“My friends wanted to get me a pillow while the ambulance came, but I knew something was wrong enough that I told them not to move me,” said Zemp.

Several surgeries later, Zemp moved to Utah to be near family members who could help him through the recovery process and has lived in Provo ever since.

Zemp had always had an interest in herbs and their medicinal properties and had attended an herb school prior to his injury.

As someone with a thirst for knowledge, he decided to focus his energy on his education and began attending classes at UVU. As a plant enthusiast, he was encouraged by a professor to pick up a second major beyond chemistry—botany.

Zemp cares about environmental sustainability and has an educational goal of helping people learn to become more sustainable.

“I’d love to become a professor someday, or just continue to help people learn how to live a less wasteful life,” said Zemp.

Although Zemp realizes that without modern medicine he would probably have died, he extols the virtues of nutrition and plant-based health. His passion and positivity on the subject is contagious and is especially amazing considering what he has overcome. Zemp is certified in Chinese and Western herbalism and travels around the country speaking at different herb schools.

Apart from attending UVU and travelling for speaking engagements, Zemp runs an herb shop, Grey Mountain Herbs, from his home located at 455 W 100 S in Provo. His services include everything from simply selling herbs for cooking, to health-based consultations. These include placement of an herbal regimen to help those who are searching for natural alternatives in their quest to achieve optimum health.

“We apply many different traditional modalities and patient education to our healing approach to help our clients achieve lasting health and well-being,” explains Zemp.

The storefront is quite inconspicuous, but the large garden on the side of the house, including a small greenhouse, helps distinguish it as the right place.. Services are provided by appointment only.

For more information and to schedule an appointment, go to greymountainherbs.com

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